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Planeteer Ecosystem

Planeteer Social is developing a mechanism which scientifically arranges data to create a library of almost all places around the world along with their reviews, by using social interaction.

  • More than 2,000 Registered Users.
  • More than 100,000 Postcards.
  • More than 40,000 Locations Discovered.
  • Arranges and displays information based solely on users preferences.
  • Has a financial system strategy capable of supporting the entire ecosystem.
Learn More

Earn with Planeteer

Download Planeteer Social App and earn tokens for every postcard you create.


Capture Memories

Take photos of your Journey, Places you visit, Hotels you stay in, Food you eat.


Create Postcards

Upload photos, specify the location, share your experience and create a Postcard.


Earn Tokens

Earn PLANETEER tokens for every Postcard you create. Also earn by creating Postcard NFTs.


Planeteer Social Features

Planeteer Social combines the features of social media & e-commerce in a single platform with a free flowing architecture.

  • Create Postcards & Earn Tokens.
  • Write Reviews, Share Information.
  • Views, Likes, Comments, Follow, Chat.
  • Socially Powered Search Algorithm.
  • Community Services.
  • Travel Booking.
  • Market Place.
  • Planeteer NFT Collection
  • Planeteer Social App
  • Video Postcards

Planeteer Genesis Collection

Planeteer has launched its genesis collection of NFTs. All the NFTs are created from our member’s postcards and its associated properties. The collection gathers the most appreciated and liked postcards from the Planeteer Social Platform.

Explore Collection

Planeteer Social Token

To enhance the utility of the Planeteer Platform and its financial aspects, we have developed the Planeteer Social Token. This token is a utility token of the Planeteer Social Ecosystem and its Applications.


Smart Contract

Planeteer Social Token is deployed on Binance Smart Chain network.

See Contract

Public Sale

Public sale successfully completed on pinksale.finance launchpad.

Public Sale

Security Audit

Planeteer Social Token is audited by Coinsult and report is presented below.

See Report

Trade Planeteer

PLANETEER will remain strong and continue to keep an eye on the moon. Buy PLANETEER from CoinW Exchange.

Trade Now


Coingeko, the leading website for crypto analysis and information, has officially added PLANETEER Token to its reputed list of tokens.

View Now

Token Distribution & Growth

The Planeteer Social financial system is based on the 'Phalanx Manifesto' - a financial strategy manifesto that best applies to the current market situation.

Burn 100000000 40.0%
Private Sale 35,000,000 14.0%
Public Sale 2,500,000 1.0%
Reward System 30,000,000 12.0%
CEX Liquidity 20,000,000 8.0%
Airdrop 2,500,000 1.0%
Advisors & Partners 10,000,000 4.0%
Team 20,000,000 8.0%
Reserve 30,000,000 12.0%

Development Roadmap

April 2021
Concept Design

The brainstorming behind Planeteer began on this day. We started making reality out of our dreams.

July 2021
PTR Token Generation

The first milestone in our journey was the creation of the Planeteer Social Token. The token was created on the Binance SmartChain.

August 2021
Web Appearance

We created our website and unfolded the concept of Planeteer to the world. The response we received was exhilarating.

August 2021
First Airdrop

We gave people the first benifits of joining us on this incredible journey.

Sepetember 2021
Second Airdrop

Once they had a taste of the first, people couldn't wait for our second airdrop.

October 2021
Third Airdrop

After the astounding success of the first two, we gave people a third reason to be a part of our community.

November 2021
PTR Launched on PancakeSwap

We constructed a liquidity pool on PancakeSwap in order to make the Planeteer Social token official.

December 2021
Building a Strong Base

To support our liquidity pool, we needed a strong financial base. As we all know, investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

February 2022
International Token Sale

We accounced a token sale at a low price so that we could get the funds we needed for developing our platform and people could reap the benifits in the near future.

March 2022
First Look of Social Media Platform

We will give the world an insight on what our platform will look like in the near future.

March 2022
Social Welfare Activites

We decided on the name Planeteer because we want to do something for our planet. We will nurture the planet and help people as much as we can.

March 2022
Testing of planeteer.social Beta Version

Before giving access to our Planeteer Community we conducted a thorough test on Staging Server.

April 2022
Socially Powered Search Engine Platform Launch

Launch of the planeteer.social website which is the heart of the Planeteer Ecosystem.

July 2022
Community Services

Our platform will have a page dedicated to community services. People can help each other anywhere, anytime.

July 2022
Populating the Web Platform

Just creating a platform won't be enough. We will need people to flourish it and make it social in a true sense.

August 2022
Creation And Swapping of PTR to PTS

We created a New Edge Reward Token called Planeteer Social Token (PTS) and swapped it with our old PTR token.

September 2022
Upgradation of Social Platform

After taking inputs from our community we decided to enhance the Planeteer Social Platform.

September 2022
Making PTS More Powerful

We started the token distribution process and also focused on increasing the trading volume of PTS.

October 2022
Listing on Various Platforms

We listed the PTS token on various Coin Listing platforms.

November 2022
Fund Raising

We will conduct various Fund Raising activites for the further development of Planeteer Social Platform.

December 2022
Public Sale

We successfully completed the public sale on pinksale.finance launchpad

Launching On Spot Exchange
Planeteer to the Moon

We will launch the Planeteer Social Token (PTS) on an International Spot Exchange. Planeteer's Main Journey will begin thereafter..!